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5 Surprising Health Benefits of Having Straight Teeth

If you think that getting your teeth straightened only improves your physical looks, think again. Numerous health benefits come with fixing those misaligned chompers, too. Learn about some of those advantages here.

Following a good oral hygiene routine is vital for maintaining healthy teeth and gums and preventing gum disease and tooth decay. Dentists across the globe advise patients to brush twice a day, floss daily, and visit their practice at least once a year.

However, even if you’re following such advice, if you have malaligned teeth, you may not realise the problems that can occur later down the line. Whether it’s improving your speech or how you chew, here are some of the surprising health benefits that having straight teeth will bring you.

Healthier Teeth

In a nutshell, straighter teeth equal healthier teeth. As your teeth begin to align, there is less chance of food getting trapped between them, meaning the risk of tooth decay and cavities will decrease. What’s more, you may stop grinding your teeth (otherwise known as bruxism), which can be harmful to your teeth’ enamel.

Healthier Gums

As well as having healthier teeth, straightening your teeth will improve gum health too. Your teeth and gum health intertwines, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn how straighter teeth can reduce the risk of red and swollen gums, not to mention gum disease. Braces can massively improve your gum health, but if you are wondering how much do braces cost in the UK, you can check this guide on teeth straightening options from Straight My Teeth. Whether you opt for metal bracket braces or clear aligners, Straight My Teeth have helped thousands of patients since 2018 achieve a healthier, whiter, and straighter smile.

Clearer Speech

If you have malaligned teeth, your speech may be impacted as a result. This means that having a normal conversation with others can be difficult. Thankfully, there are options available like having your teeth straightened which will improve your speech and help you speak more clearly.

Lower Risk of Tooth Injury

For individuals who have perfectly straight teeth, not only will they be able to chew properly, the risk of obtaining an injury is decreased. Malaligned teeth, on the other hand, will increase your chances of a tooth injury. If you have an overbite, underbite, or crowding, you should consider orthodontic treatment.

Improved Confidence

Most importantly, one of the biggest health benefits you will gain from straight teeth is in the mind. If you are self-conscious about your current teeth, you may be afraid to smile at others which can have a negative impact on your personal and professional life. Therefore, getting your teeth straightened can fill you with confidence and boost your self-esteem. Research shows that those with a straight smile are likelier to get hired for a job role, proving that aligning your teeth can benefit you in all aspects of life.

It should be evident by now how important straight teeth are for your dental health. Even if you follow a rigorous oral hygiene routine, it can be difficult to clean misaligned teeth, which is why having your teeth straightened can improve your general health in more ways than one.

Reference: {https://stylevanity.com/2020/12/health-benefits-of-having-straight-teeth.html}

There is never a better time than now to straighten your teeth for a beautiful smile and better health! It’s never too late to straighten your smile. We’re here to help – and we have a lot of options. Call us at (561) 368-3480, and we will be happy to answer all of your questions or find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MatzaOrthodontics

Dr. Barry Matza
We love a healthy smile!

Have you always envisioned having the smile of your dreams – or ensuring your kid’s smiles develop top-notch? Our caring and knowledgeable staff in Boca Raton work hard to provide you with unparalleled service and attention.

Visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MatzaOrthodontics
or give us a call at (561) 368-3480.
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