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Adult Braces: Orthodontic Treatment for Adults

People of any age can turn to orthodontic treatment. It is crucial to fix an ‘off’ bite and other dental imperfections before they get more serious as one gets older. In this article, you can learn more about the difference between adult and childhood orthodontics and some treatment options for adults.

Should Adults Get Braces?

Many people get braces as a child or teenager to straighten their permanent teeth. However, over time, the teeth can move back into their original positions, resulting in crooked teeth again. This is especially true if you do not regularly wear a retainer, which is a device that keeps your teeth in alignment after treatment.

Due to these issues, many adults invest in another round of orthodontic treatment if they have a bad bite and/or crooked teeth that get worse with age. On the other hand, other people may be undergoing treatment for the first time.

Adults of any age can get braces or aligners. Some adults also seek treatment to realign their teeth, preferably prior to the placement of dental crowns, implants, or veneers, to optimize smile aesthetics and functions.

If you have any of the following misalignment issues, you may be a candidate for orthodontic treatment as an adult:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Misplaced or spaced teeth (diastema)
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Open bite
  • Deep bite
  • Facial or jaw irregularities

The Difference Between Adult and Childhood Orthodontics 

The most common age group that receives orthodontic treatment is children between 10 and 14 years of age. This is because all of their permanent teeth have grown in.

Any dental crowding and bite or alignment issues are also evident during the teenage years, making it an ideal time to get braces. Many of these children also get their braces on and off before high school begins.

The main difference between adult and childhood orthodontics is that there are fewer treatment options available.

For example, getting braces as a child or teenager allows for the use of other devices, if necessary. These devices include headgear, space maintainers, and/or palatal expanders.

Adults cannot use these orthodontic appliances because their jaws are fully developed, whereas a child’s jaw is still growing.

Types of Braces — 3 Common Treatment Options for Adults

Depending on your needs and desires, your orthodontist may recommend any of the following treatments:

1. Traditional Braces

Traditional metal braces are an affordable and effective treatment option. Metal braces fix severe or mild teeth crowding, most bite issues, and spaced teeth, among others.

The brackets on metal braces are silver, with o-shaped rubber bands (whose colors can be changed in each visit) that tie around each one. Traditional braces are also durable, strong, and can withstand most treatment forces.

2. Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces, which are often called “clear braces,” are similar to traditional metal braces because they have the same functionality. They are also the same size and shape as metal braces.

However, ceramic braces consist of archwires and tooth-colored brackets, rather than silver brackets. The o-shaped rubber bands around each bracket are also clear or white. This allows them to blend in better with your natural teeth.

While clear braces are still visible, many adults and teenagers prefer them over metal braces because they are more aesthetically pleasing. However, ceramic brackets are not recommended by the American Association for Orthodontics (AAO) for the lower teeth, because they can wear away the inside of the upper teeth since they are harder than the enamel surface, while metal brackets are not harder than the enamel surface.

3. Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are a relatively new and popular form of orthodontic treatment. Invisalign is the most widely-known and reputable brand. These aligners are a great option for younger and older adults because they are nearly invisible and removable.

In other words, you will not have metal brackets and wires glued to your teeth, however, tooth-colored attachments may be used to optimally move teeth with clear aligners.

Although there are many benefits of clear aligners, the main disadvantage is that they require upkeep. More specifically, you must remember to wear them for at least 22 hours per day. You’ll also receive a new set of aligners every one to two weeks.

Clear Aligners vs Metal Braces

If the clear aligner treatment is being performed by a dentist who has not spent 2-3 years after dental school studying orthodontics — nor an orthodontist — they will see the patient regularly throughout treatment to monitor tooth movement. Invisalign patients must visit their orthodontist every four to eight weeks. People with braces will also visit their orthodontist regularly for check-ups and adjustments.

Advantages of Adult Braces 

There are many benefits of adult braces. The primary advantages include:

  • They enhance the appearance of teeth, improve facial structure, and boost self-confidence.
  • Not only do braces improve your dental health, but they also improve your general health. More specifically, straight teeth are easier to brush and floss, which helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease. In addition, if your teeth and gums are healthy, your body will be as well.

Orthodontic Treatment and Gum Disease

There are two types of gum disease, including gingivitis (mild) and periodontitis (severe). If you have been diagnosed with one of these diseases, it is crucial to visit a periodontist for treatment.

Are Braces Covered By Insurance For Adults?

In many cases, insurance does not cover orthodontic treatment for adults, but payment plans may be available through your orthodontist.

However, some plans do provide adult orthodontic benefits, which can be applied to any of the types of orthodontic treatment above. Check with your insurance carrier to find out which benefits your current plan provides.

If you’re thinking about correcting your smile as an adult, it isn’t too late. Come meet our team — we will get all your questions answered. We offer all kinds of solutions – including Invisalign. Schedule a consultation today — (561) 368.3480. Join us and be part of our Facebook community!

Reference: [https://www.newmouth.com/orthodontics/life-stages/adult-braces/]

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