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How Your Teeth Fit Together

September 1, 2022


We all deserve straight teeth and a beautiful smile — but the goal of orthodontic treatment goes far beyond that.

When in excess, sugar is known to cause damage to children’s general health — and create some not super dietary

As the extraction/non-extraction debate continues, Dr. Matza feels the information in this blog by Dr. Kevin O’Brien Emeritus Professor of

Are you equipped to take care of your teeth with braces or aligners when you are not at home? Do

Catching possible problems early can help prevent more serious and costly issues from popping up later in life. Orthodontic treatment

Overview Year 1956; A series of strange murders has shaken the city of Tokyo. Tokisaka Reiji, a former police officer

It is no secret that your smile can affect your overall appearance. It’s the first thing people notice about you!

Sleep apnea is a medical disorder that can have many serious consequences, if left untreated. It can affect adults and

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children see an orthodontist as early as age seven. This is a good

So here we are in 2022! We want to start the new year with a huge smile, caring for your