All of the following cases were treated solely by Matza & Co.
Click on the pictures to see an animation of the finished result.
Case 1
Upper teeth behind lowers. Underbite
(Class III Malocclusion)
(Class III Malocclusion)
Case 2
Open bite
Upper and lower teeth don't touch
Upper and lower teeth don't touch
Case 3
Crowded teeth
Upper incisor in cross bite
Upper incisor in cross bite
Case 4
High upper cuspids, poor hygiene, red gums (gingivitis)
Case 5
Missing upper lateral incisor restorations.
Discolored front tooth
Discolored front tooth
Case 6
Delayed euption of teeth
Missing teeth
Missing teeth
Case 7
Missing upper lateral incisors
Cuspids substituted for laterals
Cuspids substituted for laterals
Case 8
Open bite
Front teeth don't touch
Front teeth don't touch
Case 9
Spaces between front teeth
Spaces between front teeth